Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting outfished!

Another difficult week of fishing ... if you weren't a panguero. We were at the Island early in the week with a few boats hooking up on smaller fish and a few larger ones. The pangueros though were catching big fish in close most of the week. Friday, we were next to them as they hooked up on multiple fish at a time while the fish wouldn't touch our jigs. The next day we had live bait right next to them. The bite was slower, but they still wouldn't take our baits. We slaved away jigging at San Antonio and were rewarded with two small and three large yellowtail. Today I missed a few on jigs at San Antonio, catching one bonita on a jig and one large yellowtail on a live mullet. One was caught at 35 pounds there the day before.
I guess I'm up at 6:00am tomorrow to receive my live bait delivery! Maybe they are particular to smaller baits. If not, then I'm dropping down small lures on some weighted lines. It isn't the first time we've watched the pangueros outfish us! Stop by the Esterito (estuary in the Bahia) if you want a good deal on fresh Jurel (yellowtail) for 30 pesos a kilo. They may not have padded seats, but these guys sure can catch fish. Hopefully the smaller baits will prove to be the trick. Either that or I'm stopping by the Esterito Lady of Guadalupe in the mornings from now on!

1 comment:

flanger said...

You are taunting me. I just can't wait to get back to San Carlos to catch some Yellowtail. Last year's stay at your place was perfect - fun and relaxing. I am making plans to be back at your place in May. Fred